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Infrastructure and tools

pictogramme bateau blanc


Infrastructure adapted to large ships

Infrastructures et quais port de commerce de Sète

Thanks to its ideal geographical location, at the heart of the Mediterranean arc, the commercial port of Sète enjoys a strategic position between Western Europe and North Africa.

The port of Sète is the leading multi-purpose port in Occitanie , close to the main East-West/North-South shipping lines, and a gateway to Southern Europe.

Its nautical accesses make it a secure port, easily accessible to the largest vessels, with an entrance pass of over 200m.

Key figures

Chiffres clés infrastructures Port de commerce de Sète

Dock features

Caractéristiques quais

Direct access

Accreditations & Safety

A wide range of quality services

Vue aérienne port de commerce de Sète

Storage capacities

Our services

Modern, competitive tooling

The port of Sète is constantly investing to modernize its equipment and offer efficient services.

Grue-sur-rail électrique port de sète